Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mahatma Gandi

Mahatma Gandi was major politcal and spiritual leader of india and the independance movement. 3 types of civil disobedience he did were he organized poor farmers and labourers to protest against oppressive taxation and widespread discrimination, assisted Indians in opposing a bill to deny them the right to vote, also Gandhi argued that Indians must support the war effort in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship, organizing a volunteer ambulance corps of 300 free Indians and 800 indentured labourers called the Indian Ambulance Corps, one of the few medical units to serve wounded black South Africans. Him and Martin Luther king are simular because they both used civil disobedience, fought to obtaim human and racial rights, the both won the noble peace prize, they both used violent and non violent tactics.

1 comment:

mrstathers said...

Taylor.....good job on your BLOG! Content & creativity! Mark is 9/9.