Thursday, December 6, 2007


The YCJA is the Youth Criminal Justice Act, is an effective balance between the rights of youthfull offenders and the protection of society, this would be for youth within the ages of 14-17. The new balance is imposing that violent teens such as gang members or people committing serious crimes and offences will be tried as adults, and will get adult sentences. This will also give peole the right to publish the names and identities of young offenders that recieve adult sentences. Although teens that do non-violent crimes will not be sent to jail and will most likely just get things such as restitution and community services, providing a broader variety of alternate services.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Single tranferrable vote

The stv system is a system where when you vote instead of choosing one person when you vote you rank all the people in the riding. Who ever gets the most top votes wins and then they surplus their votes to the peole next in the riding until their is three winners. They have to get 2501 votes to win and become elected.

My opinion on the stv system is that it sounds like a better system because their is more decision for indecissive people. Helps other peole in the riding get more of a chance to become elected with the surpluses and such instead of when someone else wins everyone else goes home. They main thing that I like is how you can choose more then one person because I know that I would most likely be torn between two.

Friday, November 2, 2007


The ideology that best suits my ideas i think would be in the left wing and most likely socialism so far. I picked this one because its society is not very traditional which my familly isnt, and
I like the fact that most of the big buisnesses are ran by the government, also I like the fact that it is the one with the highest priority rights of individuals.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mahatma Gandi

Mahatma Gandi was major politcal and spiritual leader of india and the independance movement. 3 types of civil disobedience he did were he organized poor farmers and labourers to protest against oppressive taxation and widespread discrimination, assisted Indians in opposing a bill to deny them the right to vote, also Gandhi argued that Indians must support the war effort in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship, organizing a volunteer ambulance corps of 300 free Indians and 800 indentured labourers called the Indian Ambulance Corps, one of the few medical units to serve wounded black South Africans. Him and Martin Luther king are simular because they both used civil disobedience, fought to obtaim human and racial rights, the both won the noble peace prize, they both used violent and non violent tactics.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize for all people who have working for peace and standing up against racism. He was the former president of South Africa and African national congress, Which made him very important to africa. He spent almost 3 decades of his life in jail because he sacrificed his life and his youth to his people which is why he is known as africas best known and loved hero. His non-violent tactics were protesting against the aparthied, then nelson mandela and a group of anti-aparthied protesters were charged with treason in 1956.

Chinese head tax

Chinese head tax happened back in 1885 when the CPR was completed. Every person of chinese origin coming into canada had to pay $50 to enter which increased all the way up to $500 in 1903. Not only did they have to pay to enter canada but they were denied canadian citizenship. In all the canadian federal government collected $23 million off of head tax. I think this was very wrong because they it was only the people of chinese origin that had to pay head tax to enter, and with the chinese labour wages they were making very little and to make $500 they would work for almost 2 years.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fieldtrip i didnt go on

The best part about not going on the trip was that i could actually go to work and make money, and the class was really small and quiet. The worst part about not going on the fieldtrip was missing all the fun stuff they probably did and not learning all the information in person. One important thing i learnt about the B.C. legislature was that people can have a say in the laws they are making.